Walking with Ellen White
$15.99Ellen White was a real person who lived in the real world. Join George Knight in a journey through her everyday life as a wife, mother, and friend. -
W. W. Prescott
$22.99Forgotten giant of Adventism's second generation as portrayed by Gilbert Valentine. -
Uriah Smith
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Three Adventist Titans
$15.00An in-depth look at the lives of John H. Kellogg, Arthur G. Daniels and Percy T. Magan who each played an important role in the founding of the medical and evangelistic work of the church. -
They Were There
$13.95Twenty-four fascinating stories of those who witnessed Ellen White's prophetic gift- and believed compiled and written by Herbert Douglass. -
The Unknown Prophet
$16.99Before Ellen White, God chose William Ellis Foy -
Tell it to the World
$19.99This book is an updated resource for the stories of our church history; 287 pages including many references. -
S. N. Haskell, Man of Action
$15.95Among the most colorful of the early Seventh-day Adventist church workers, was Stephen Haskell--self-made, fearless, endowed with ingenuity, courage, and vision. -
S. N. Haskell
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Pioneer Drawing
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Out of stockThe E.A. Sutherland Story by Ira Gish & Harry Christman.
Lighter of Gospel Fires
$14.95The Story of J.N. Loughborough who lived at a time when men went forth fearlessly to proclaim the three angels' messages. -
Life Sketches
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Life Incidents
$14.99Life Incidents by James White. Reprints of important publication in the Adventist Tradition edited by George R. Knight -
Lewis C. Sheafe
$22.99In this gripping biography Douglas Morgan pieces together the life of this forgotten leader whose story sheds light on the reason that no lasting. -
Lest We Forget
$10.00The Heritage Shoppe carries many books regarding Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) history. -
Joseph Bates
$20.99This biography makes use of previously unavailable letters and logbooks to shed new light on the first theologian and real founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.