The season for guided tours extends from May 1 to October 31.

or call 774-328-6247

AHM acquired the boyhood home of Joseph Bates in 2005. The home was built in 1742 and is the oldest home in Fairhaven, MA.

Joseph Bates Jr moved here with his family in 1793 when he was just a year old. Going to sea at the age of 15 he served 21 years at sea, working his way up from cabin boy to being a captain and part-owner of his own ship when he retired. After retiring from the sea he became active in the temperance movement, forming one of the first temperance societies in America. He was an active voice in the abolition movement. Then, around 1839 he became a Millerite preacher, announcing the second coming of Christ about 1844.

He brought the Sabbath message to the disappointed Millerites who had anticipated Jesus would come to earth in 1844. Bates was the senior member of the founding trio of the Seventh-day Adventist church with James and Ellen White being the other primary founders. Joseph Bates traveled widely and preached and served the church, serving as the first Seventh-day Adventist conference president.

At the site you will hear the stories of the life of Joseph Bates and learn about his contribution to the many causes he espoused. This site will soon feature a first-class interactive museum. We will try to keep you up to date with more pictures and stories as things develop. A lot of work has been done and the home is reopened for tours. There is still a need for contributions to help maintain the home and finish the museum. You can be a part of the team and development at this site with your tax deductible gifts to AHM.


191 Main Street
Fairhaven, MA 02719
United States