The Hiram Edson Farm hosted a tour consisting of members of the Ellen G. White Estate staff headquartered at the General Conference Office in Silver Spring, Maryland; directors of the many E.G. White Estate Centers and Branch Offices; and the World Division Spirit of Prophecy Coordinators. These visitors from around the world toured the Edson Visitor Center and the Bible Prophecy Garden, which portrays the unique truths of our end-time message in a beautiful outdoor garden setting. They also spent time in the Edson barn, once owned by Hiram’s father, moved and reconstructed on the very land where Edson and fellow believers once waited for the Lord’s return.

In 1848, Ellen White experienced a vision in Hiram’s barn showing “the importance of the brethren laying aside their differences, and uniting upon Bible truth.” Life Sketches, p. 112. Led by Elder Jim Nix, Director of the Ellen G. White Estate, the tour enabled visitors to see firsthand the place where all our unique doctrines came together. Here, Hiram Edson’s insight, the morning after the disappointment, led our pioneers to restudy the significance of the sanctuary ministry of Jesus, and His pre-advent work for us in heaven. Here, too, the pioneers united around the truth of the Seventh-day Sabbath, brought to Hiram’s farm by Joseph Bates. All our unique “S” doctrines, such as: the Sanctuary, the Sabbath, the Second Coming, and the Spirit of Prophecy first came together at the Edson Farm, which makes it the Theological Birthplace of the Seventhday Adventist Church.

This visit by the White Estate world leaders was videoed by the Hope Channel for later broadcast. The Bible Prophecy Garden continues to serve its evangelistic purpose, drawing visitors not of our faith. Donations for upkeep and maintenance are still urgently needed. Just four stations on the Bible Prophecy Trail are still available for sponsorships. If you are interested in helping this evangelistic outreach, contact Alice Voorheis at 423-991-1602 or